Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Surgery 4- 2nd Grade...2003

My sister, Lauren, who is ten years older than me, had her
First  picture taken at Sears on this funny brown carpet, so did
Carter and Sam (my two older brothers) so my mom went to sears after my lip was sewn and asked them if they had some fuzzy brown carpet. All because she wanted me to have the same picture as my siblings. J Aww how cute am I!
*notice how my nose and lip are connected, there is no nasal septum. Next surgery to come

Surgery 4- 2nd Grade

This surgery was to create a nasal septum (getting my nose detached from my lip). As well as a small lip reconstruction. Dr. Dierks cut from one nostril to another, opened it up and rounded my nostrils in and up to create a septum. This surgery was pretty successful other than the tip of my nose dropped more than the doctor had hoped for, but he knew he would be reconstructing my nose once again when I was around 16.


  1. Sometimes I feel like you must be making this up, it seems almost unbelievable. But if this is indeed all true, then it's an incredibly amazing and heart-warming story.

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      I can assure you that this is all completely true :) From my stance as a Christian the unbelievability of my story as you say it seems to be makes it all the more believable to have been orchestrated by a God so big and mighty as mine. My story is incredible and it is all by the doing of God's loving hand on my life.
      Thank you for reading my blog and commenting.
