Sunday, December 4, 2011

My mouth as it is now...

My surgery is in 1 month. The bone is continuing to grow daily. I have watched in my mouth as weeks pass the thinning of the layer of tissue that covers the titanium mesh on the right side of my mouth. A few weeks ago there was enough tissue to barely cover the titanium, the tissue was see through but still covering the sharpness of the bone and mesh screen. But as time has passed since then the bone has grown even more and stretched the tissue to the point where it can no longer cover the bone graft completely exposing a chunk of the the mesh screen and bone. It's painful no doubt about that, as I am getting anxious for this next surgery because it will remove this screen and the 5 screws that hold it in place. My mom and I took pictures of my mouth so that you are able to see what has grown in my mouth...wish we could have gotten a picture of us trying to get a picture of my mouth! My mom was holding open my mouth while I was trying to get a good clear picture of the bone grafts...Below are some pictures of my mouth how it is now...hope you don't find them too creepy :)

Here's the whole picture of my mouth

Here's the right side of my mouth

Left side of my mouth

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